5 Essential Tips For Storing Winter Clothing

Chic Beauty Tips:  Storing Clothing

Spring is approaching and the weather will soon be getting warmer. It might not be time to put away all your winter clothes yet, but it’s not too early to start planning to store them. A little careful planning and packing will help you preserve and protect your gloves, scarves, sweaters, coats and winter shoes for next year – and hopefully for many more to come.

Here are 5 essential tips to help protect your clothing during storage:

1.  Empty your pockets.

It’s a treat to find money in the pocket of a jacket you haven’t worn in awhile.  It’s not so nice to find a leaking pen or a sticky old peppermint, however – and it would be even worse to find such nasty surprises in a jacket that had been in storage for four or five months.  Once you’ve identified the items you’re planning to store, take the time to empty all the pockets in every garment.  Also make sure to remove any jewelry, brooches or stick pins from your lapels.  If they oxidize while in storage, they could leave a stain that may not be removable.

2.  Wash and clean everything.

Before you put any winter clothing into storage, make sure every item is clean.  Stains, small food particles or smells that remain on clothes before they are put away will only set in while they are in storage, and may even become permanent.  Worse, food particles may attract insects.   Dry clean or wash your clothes according to the label instructions.  And while it may seem a no-brainer, make sure everything is completely dry before you pack it away.  You don’t want to open a box next spring and find moldy clothes.

3.  Pick the proper storage containers.

If you’re like most people, you’ll need to hang some items and put others in containers.  Without a doubt, the best material in which to store clothes is fabric.  It provides a breathable moisture barrier that protects clothes while reducing the chance of mold or mildew growth.  Look for canvas hanging bags or storage boxes.  You can use plastic bins with lids, but make sure to clean and dry them thoroughly before use.  Space Bags or other vacuum sealed bags are also a good solution if you have limited storage space.

4.  Use an insect repellant.

Moths and other insects are a real concern when it comes to storing clothing.  Don’t reach for the mothballs, though – they might be effective, but they contain harsh, potentially harmful chemicals and they can leave a permanent smell in your clothes.  Cedar blocks are a much better choice.  They repel insects, absorb moisture and keep odors down.   Another good natural moth repellent is lavender.  Tuck a lavender sachet into each container with your clothes, and they’ll not only remain insect free, but they’ll smell great too.

5.  Choose the right location.

The best place to store any clothing is cool, clean, dark and dry.   These conditions protect your clothes and minimize the chance of damage.  Unfortunately, the places in our homes we naturally think to use for storage are some of the worst for clothes.  Basements are damp, attics get hot, and garages can be either, depending on the weather.    Instead, consider a location inside your home.  A guest room is ideal; if you have space under the bed or in the closet, use it.

Follow these tips and come next fall, you’ll open your storage containers to find your winter clothes fresh and damage free. They’ll be ready to wear with just a little pressing or a quick run through the dryer.

8 comments… add one
  • MonicaP Mar 25, 2013 @ 14:41

    Good tips! Since I live in a dry climate, I do all of the above, but then store my winter clothing in the guest bedroom closet with plastic shoulder covers (just to keep any dust off the shoulders).


    • Marisa Mar 27, 2013 @ 15:52

      Glad you liked the tips. Storing winter clothing in the guest bedroom closet is also a great tip. Thanks.

  • Heather Scoggins Apr 2, 2013 @ 9:06

    Hi Marisa, since you were so nice to comment on my site I wanted to come check out yours as well :). I never thought to use lavender instead of those yucky smelling moth balls, that would be much nicer smelling experience when dragging them back out later.
    Thanks for the tips!

    • Marisa Apr 5, 2013 @ 14:29

      You are welcome, glad you liked these tips. Using lavender instead of moth balls could make such a difference.

  • Melody Sep 14, 2013 @ 17:30

    Great tips, I lost a portable phone once and was delighted to find it in my jacket pocket the next fall! I agree lavender is much nicer than moth balls.

    • Marisa Sep 23, 2013 @ 22:51

      Hello, Melody. Your story made me giggle a little! I too have “misplaced” things in my coat and jacket pockets and be very pleased to find them some time later! Yes scent of lavender is so much more pleasant than the scent of moth balls, totally agreed!

  • Donna Sep 15, 2013 @ 23:45

    Great basic tips. Especially the first one, it is so easy to put everything without checking the pockets. Have a read on the blog bout storing your leather handbags at :


    • Marisa Sep 23, 2013 @ 22:48

      Yes, I agree, it can be easy to forget to check the pockets of your clothing, but if don’t you never know what kind of surprises you might find the next season when you finally do check you pocket!

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